Dr. Irvin Sahni is an orthopedic surgeon practicing in Seguin, Texas. He is also associated with a number of hospitals in the area, including CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Hospital - New Braunfels and Guadalupe Regional Medical Center. He achieved his medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine and has been in practice for 18 years now. He has specialized in the treatment of various spinal conditions such as neck pain, back pain, arm pain, and leg pain. He is an expert in both surgical and non-surgical treatments and in more than 95% of cases; Dr Sahni treats his patients non-surgically. However, if any of his patients requires spinal surgery he performs simply invasive spine surgery.
Dr. Sahni is an interventional pain management specialist and is one among a few surgeons to perform surgeries. He also offers his patients to opt other options other than surgery. In today’s busy life, many of us ignore smaller ailments, which in turn become bigger at times if not treated well and on time. These in turn may be the cause of pain and other health issues. Pain is complex and there are number of treatment options that one can opt for. These options include medications, therapies, and mind-body techniques. If you are suffering from a long-term pain or chronic pain then pain management can help you to get rid of or control your pain.
If you are suffering from pain for a long time then you should immediately consult a doctor who will first assess your pain and will prescribe either pain medicine or psychotherapy to help with pain relief. Apart from non-surgical treatments, you can also opt for surgical treatments if required to relief your pain. You can opt for both surgical and non-surgical pain management treatment in order to get rid of your prolonged pain.