The conditions suffered by a human body in which one or more nerves are harmed and do not function properly is called radiculopathy. Injury or damage at the nerve root level causing pain, weakness, numbness, or difficulty in controlling particular muscles is known as a radiculopathy. It is caused mainly due to the compression or irritation of the nerves as they egress the spine. An injury to the cervical spine leads to cervical radiculopathy; it is a dysfunction of a cervical nerve root.
It is the damage or hindrance of the nerve function caused due to the compression of one of the nerve roots near the cervical vertebrae.
It is the damage or hindrance of the nerve function caused due to the compression of one of the nerve roots near the cervical vertebrae.
You may also suffer from lower back pain that may eventually lead to Lumbar radiculopathy. It is a painful condition suffered by patients when a nerve in their lumbar spine (lower back) is pinched or irritated. If you damage your discs (natural, spongy cushions between your vertebrae allowing your spine to move) then this can lead to a pinched nerve in your lumbar spine. Injury to your disc leading it to get displaced and thus pinch the nerve in your spine.
If you are diabetic than you are more prone to nerve damage or compression. The damage or injury to your nerves due to diabetes is known as diabetic neuropathy. Most of the people with diabetes suffer from some kind of nerve damage. It is more commonly found in people who have had the diabetes from a long time. This can further lead to various other problems. However, you can help delay or prevent nerve damage by keeping a check on your blood glucose levels. But, if you have already suffered from nerve damage then it will help you to prevent or delay further damage. You can also opt for other treatments to reduce pain and other symptoms.
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